Monday, January 12, 2009

Condominium Furnace Maintenance

Many people choose condo living for the ease of maintenance. There is a management company that takes care of most of the community maintenance needs and is a source of reference when something inside the unit needs attention.

This is very handy, but at times, causes us to forget that certain items in the unit need routine maintenance. One of the most often overlooked maintenance tasks is the heating/cooling unit. Most new modern buildings use either an electric furnace or a water based heat pump system. These systems need to have their filters replaced twice each year. It's like changing oil in the car - if you don't do it routinely, serious problems can result.

Additionally, these units should receive a minor tuneup every year or two. This is done by a service technician. Because newer buildings use sophisticated systems, make sure you contact a firm that is factory trained and certified to maintain the unit. This comes in handy if the work needed is covered under a warranty. It's not hard to locate such a technician. Just note the manufacturer of the unit, contact their customer service phone (or web page) and ask for a list of certified repair people.

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