Monday, January 19, 2009

Apollo @ Portland Center Stage

On Saturday evening we had the good fortune to attend a terrific performance of "Apollo" at Portland Center Stage. I highly recommend it.

We love seeing shows at the Gerding Theater in the old (renovated) Armory Building. This was no exception.

While long at 3+ hours (two intermissions) the play "explores the birth of the U.S. space program, its employment of former-Nazi rocket scientists, and their surprising intersection with the Civil Rights Movement. Using the U.S. mission to the moon as a symbol of our country’s greatness, Apollo probes deep into the question: what did we sacrifice to become the America we are today? And was it worth it? A a kaleidoscopic array of theatrical methods (movement, text, video projection, music), reveals the costs and ambiguities of human aspiration and progress."

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