Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mice suspected in Million-Dollar Cheese Destruction

Mice are the unlikely villains of a new setback for the Italian cheese industry after allegedly spoiling more than $1m (€777,000) of products in the Northern city of Parma, say news reports.

Mice excrement and carcasses were found by police at a warehouse in the city, leading to the seizure of 2000 cheese rounds weighing about 80 tons, according to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti.

The cheese, produced by a local manufacturer, was partly destroyed with further tests determining whether other samples are still safe for consumption, according to the report.

Parma is famously associated as a key area for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

Mice seem to be in the news frequently these days. They apparently are the prime suspects in a deadly cat fire near the Canadian city of Toronto. More on that here.

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