Friday, December 19, 2008

The Best French Fries

My wife and I had dinner last night at the Daily Cafe on the Pearl. It was a classic winter evening with holiday lights and snow flurries in the air. I had an appointment to show a condo at The Mackenzie Lofts so we decided to have a quick dinner then meet our client.

I must say, their french fries are about the best I have ever eaten. Thinly cut, lightly fried, and covered with a terrific seasoning. I asked the waitress what they put on their fries but she wouldn't completely give away the secret. Suffice it to say, it's a combination of herbs and spices.

The Daily is located at 902 NW 13th Ave (+ Kearney St).

1 comment:

Dianne Rodway said...

I'd be interested to know which fries other readers enjoy, when they allow themselves to enjoy fries! The Daily Cafe fries aren't greasy or heavy like some with fancier oils. Potatoes are a subject near and dear to my heart. I admit it.